“Wake Me Up Inside” – Chapter 19

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell (Eventually)

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | Leave a comment

Fight to Win – Chapter 6 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: R

Warning for this section: Language, GoldenBoy!Evan, snark, discovering Atlantis/Aztlan, Sentient!Atlantis, angst, friend bonding with Evan and Daniel

Word Count: 4,267 / 14,399


The next day, Colonel Mitchell took one of the secure cell phones and went out into the woods, so he could report to General O’Neill.

After two rings, General O’Neill picked up. “General O’Neill speaking.”

“General O’Neill, it’s Colonel Mitchell reporting in.”

“I hope you have some good news”

“Yes, sir. Major Lorne found an ancient outpost, a bigger one than Antarctica. Dr. Jackson strongly believes that it is Aztlan, or more commonly known as, Atlantis.”

“What about the protector?”

“We are still looking forward it. The interface will only mainly interact with Major Lorne at the moment. He had to coax the interface to allow us into the base.”

“Why am I not surprised? Is he trying to get other people access to the interface?”

“Yes, sir. But I think driving back to Colorado Springs would be faster.”

“Right. Any unforeseen disasters happen?”

“Surprisingly, things have been going smoothly, for the most part. Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay have been chomping at the bit to do more interfacing with the AI but Major Lorne won’t allow it. He claims that the AI isn’t comfortable with anyone but him to ask it questions and to gain information from her.”

“I hope Major Lorne is working towards changing the AI’s perspective on this?”

“Yes, but since the AI has been by herself for over a thousand year period, she is a bit set in her ways and is very protective of Major Lorne.”

“Do I want to know?”

“Dr. McKay and Dr. Sheppard were teasing Major Lorne and may have hurt his feelings at one point. The AI might have lightly zapped them in retaliation. Nothing major, just light zapping.”

“I see. I would have thought she might have been lonely with no one to interact with her for so long.”

“Major Lorne claims that someone about 200 years ago tried to access her but when she realized that they were going to cause great harm to her and the surrounding area, she banished them and decided that only those with the ATA gene would be able to have access to her and her systems.”

“Right. I’m not even there and I already feel a headache coming on.”

“You aren’t the only one, General.”

“Keep me updated, daily. If there is any hint of any disasters, you call me immediately.”

“Yes, sir. Understood.”

“Good luck.”

With a click, Colonel Mitchell knew that General O’Neill had hung up. Colonel Mitchell took a few minutes to collect his thoughts before going back into the cave, to hear the bickering of Dr. Rodney McKay and how unfair it was that Major Lorne had all of the access to Aztlan’s AI while he didn’t have any. It was going to be a long week.


When Auggie heard his office door slide open, he moved his headphones off his ear so he could hear what his guest had to say.

Upon smelling the perfume, he said, “Annie. What can I help with you today?”

“Do you have any friends still in the military?” She asked after she slid the door closed.

“Yes, I do. Why?”

“One of my good friends lives in Flagstaff, Arizona. She mentioned that there seems to be a decent size group of military personnel that have been camping in the mountain range, just outside the city. Apparently, they aren’t wearing their uniforms but they handled themselves like military men.”

“Interesting. I will call my buddies and see if they know anything.”

“Let me know what you find out?”

“Sure. Is there something work related you needed to see me about?”

“Nope. I’ll see you later?”

“Yes. Grab me for lunch.”

“Will do.”

A few minutes later Auggie heard the slide of the office door, knowing that Annie has exited his office. He thought about which contacts might have the information that he sought but he knew that he would try calling them later, when he isn’t in the building, especially in his office.


Two weeks later, Major Lorne was able to convince Atlantis AI to open the other floors to them. When he went into the chair the day before, he discovered that the base in the mountain was easily 10 times bigger than it actually was. Dr. McKay and Dr. Sheppard constantly debated whether or not the protector existed and if it did, then where was it held.

With the map displayed on the handheld device, thanks to Dr. McKay, Major Lorne and his team started to search the levels below the main area that they had been residing and investigating for the past 2 weeks.

As they entered a new hallway, they noticed huge sliding doors ahead. Slowly, they approached them with their weapons at the ready with Major Lorne in the lead. When Major Lorne waved his hand over the sensor, the doors slide open and they slowly walked into a room where the lights were slowly being turned on by each level. When the room was completely lit, everyone gasped. They were standing at the head of the protector. When they look down the pit, they could see that the protector was at least 12 stories tall, if not more.

“It does exist. I knew it.” Rodney exclaimed.

“You did not. You were just getting bored of the first level of this base. It does beg the question of just HOW big this base is if it can hold this thing?”

“I would guess that we’ve only been shown like 10% of the base.” Evan guessed.

“But why?”

“Previously, Atlantis has put her trust in someone who she thought she could trust but they tried to use her against other civilizations because they disagreed over a minor detail. She refused to ever be put in that situation again.”

“So she monitored us over the past two weeks to see if what you showed her was true?” John guessed.

“That would be my hypothesis.”

“Do you know if there are any bunk rooms here so we could sleep inside, instead of among the ants and the other wildlife?” Rodney asked.

“I thought at one point I saw an area that seemed like quarters for the staff but it was very brief and a while ago. I will see if she will tell me if there any and where.” Evan commented. While he liked to camp from time to time, his body would appreciate not sleeping on the ground, if it was at all possible.

“I wonder where the control for the protector is. It seems like there are very limited ones on the wall by the door here. I’m guessing they might be by the foot of it?” Rodney questioned.

“That would be my guess too. How do we get down there?”

“Atlantis AI showed me something that looked like an elevator transporter thing. Here, let’s go this way.”

Evan turned around and headed right when he entered the hallway. He came across a smaller looking doorway that had doors that slid open.

“Everyone in. Atlantis briefly showed me how this worked.”

The panel in the back of the elevator lowered and it looked like a possible map of the base. Evan clicked on what looked like to be the base of the pit room, aka where the protector is. The doors slid closed and the elevator moved. When the doors opened again, they were in a new location.

“Wow. I think I’m in love. Can I just spend the next year or so here? Looking in every single place, figuring out what is going on?”

“I thought you would be all over the protector, Rodney.”

“I am. I was including that in my year of investigation. Hell, it’s at the top of the list of things that I really want to get a closer look at.”

“Color me not surprised.”

“Alright, I do believe we need to head this way to get back to the protector.”

Evan exited the transporter and led everyone back to the room. When they walked in, they saw the computers and machines lined up against the wall. In addition, the feet of the robot were in view too and they were huge.

“Do you think it is still operational?” Evan asked.

“Didn’t Atlantis tell you?”

“No, she didn’t because I don’t think she entirely knew.”

“Why not? She’s connected to it, right?”

“She is but she hasn’t been able to communicate with it properly for a while now.”

“Why wouldn’t….Oh shit, fuck. If the Jaegar isn’t properly powered, then it would not be able to communicate with the various systems, including Atlantis. Fuck.”

“Is there anyway to verify this?”

“Hopefully, we will be able to figure out the computer and learn the various ways that the system communicates with the Jaegar, er, Protector.”

“Won’t it have the same issue as Atlantis?”

“Yes, it would but it might be able to tell us how much power it is lacking so we can figure out if it is just one or two ZPMs that we need to look for.”

“Where the hell do we find these ZPMs? It’s not like there is a website like eBay that we can use to go looking for them?”

“That would make our life so much easier but you are correct. Maybe the interface will tell us where they were originally found or maybe there is a list of places that we can visit to see if they still exist in those locations?” John asked cautiously.

“Why don’t Dr. Sheppard and myself stay here and work on the computers and Atlantis’ AI, if she is alright with this?” Rodney asked hopefully.

There was a blink of the lights and then a woman dressed in a flowing white-ish blue robe appeared before them.

“Greetings.” The female-monotone voice said.

“Atlantis?” Evan queried. The voice sounded a lot like the one that he heard often in his head.

“Yes, Major Lorne.” She turns to look at Dr. McKay and say, “You and Dr. Sheppard will be granted complete access to my systems. I will still monitor what you do and if I feel like you are about to do harm to myself or to this base or to another human being, it will be shut down and your accesses will be taken away. Understood?”

“Yes.” Rodney wanted to say so much more to Atlantis but fearful that he might say the wrong thing that would annoy her. He did feel like a kid being given the keys to the candy store.

“Very well.” She closed her eyes and lights on the computers and the stations began to flicker and the screens started to show text.

“Thank you, Atlantis.” Evan and John said at the same time. They knew how well things would progress if they kept the AI happy and on their side.

After a few minutes of watching John and Rodney happily go over the systems and talk excitedly at each other, Evan turned to Atlantis and asked, “Are there rooms for us to sleep in while we are here? A place to cook things too?”

“Yes, Major Lorne. I will show you where you and your friends can rest at night and eat.”

She brings up a 3-D map of the base and shows Evan where the rooms and what looks like a big kitchen are located.

Before she disappears, she tells Evan, “I will let others come here, assuming they are friends of yours. I will not allow any harm to come me or to the Protector.”

“Thank you, Atlantis.”

The image of the woman disappears. Evan turns around and sees that John and Rodney are still excitedly going about the research.

Evan motions to the other military men and says, “I’m going back to the surface to report to Colonel Mitchell and to let him know that we don’t have to be camping anymore. I would like at least 2 of you to stay, to make sure nothing bad happens to Dr. Sheppard or Dr. McKay. Who will volunteer?”

Two hands rose up.

“Very good. The rest of you will come with me. Please try to radio me, if you need help. If it doesn’t work, you know how to get back to the transport?”

At the nods of “yes” from the two men, Evan continued, “Use the transport to get to the first level. We should be there. Alright, the rest of you, let’s head up to Colonel Mitchell.”

Evan turned and headed towards the transport, with the rest of the contingent following behind him. Once they get to the main area on the first level, Colonel Mitchell raises his eyebrow when he noticed that the entire group isn’t present.

“Did you lose some people, Major Lorne?” Colonel Mitchell questioned.

“I know where they are located, sir.”

“That is good. So where are they?”

“We found the Protector and Atlantis AI gave Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay full access to her database.”

“So we will see them in 2 years, if we are lucky?”

“It will probably be sooner than that. Apparently, the Protector might not be fully powered, which would mean that we will need to find at most 2 or at least 1 ZPM before the Jaeger is fully powered. Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay will not be able to perform all of their various tasks on it until it has 2 fully energized ZPMs.”

“We might need to go on another mission?”

“Maybe. Hopefully, it will be somewhere on this planet. Dr. McKay and Dr. Sheppard are trying to coax a list of locations that ZPMs might be.”

“Lovely. I should report to General O’Neill so he doesn’t get blindsided.”

“You might also want to tell him that Atlantis has granted us access to the living quarters and the kitchen so we can live within the base.”

“How did you accomplish this?”

“She appeared to us and I asked her.”

“She appeared?”

“Yes, as a 3-D avatar-type of thing. She said she will still keep an eye on us but she has decided that she likes what she’s seen so far.”

“Good to know. I’ll report everything to General O’Neill. Quickly, do you happen to know if she will allow others to join us?”

“She said if they are friends of ours, then she is willing to house them. Otherwise, they won’t be permitted on this base.”

“Understood. Thank you for your help. Once I get back, we’ll move everything inside and figure out the sleeping arrangements.”

“Sounds good, sir.”

Colonel Mitchell went outside to call General O’Neill. He just hoped that the General had some Tylenol nearby because he might need it by the end of the phone call. At least, Colonel Mitchell did have some good news for General O’Neill about the protector. Kind of.


Three days later, everyone was sitting in what they assumed past as a conference room in Atlantis. There was a large white table with chairs that rose from the floor and stopped just shortly before the table with a backseat to them.

“We have gathered here to share information about what we have all discovered while exploring Atlantis and/or the protector. I would also like a report of any supplies that are running low so I can pass them along to General O’Neill so he can hopefully fulfill them. Any questions?”

Upon seeing no one raising their voice or show any questions, Colonel Mitchell continued, “Let’s start with the Protector, especially since that is one of the main reasons why we are here. Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay, you have the floor.”

“Atlantis, if you could please show a 3-D model of the Protector?” Dr. Sheppard asked to the room.

A few seconds later, a 3-D line drawing of the protector was shown and it landed on top of the desk. Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay took turns explaining the various sections of the Jaegar and what parts did what. When they got to the section about the various weapons and tools that it had, many people were paying close attention, especially since it had more than the typical Jaegars these days. In addition, unlike the today Jaegars, the Protector ran on ZPMs, not analog. Since they’ve been seeing the Kaiju do interesting things like give off energy blasts, having the Protector run on ZPMs could be useful.

“Now, I know you are probably wondering about the ZPM situation.” Dr. McKay stated in a factual manner. “I’m sad to say that it seems to only have 1 functional ZPM at the moment. Thanks to the database and Dr. Jackson, we may know of one location. For this part of the briefing, I will pass it off to Dr. Jackson.”

“One of the locations that the database gave was in El Salvador, which isn’t too surprising since the Nahua people settled in that region. The city that the ZPM is supposed to be located is Santa Ana. We think it might be located near the Santa Ana Volcano, which is near Santa Ana. Unfortunately, we don’t know for sure. The database did give us some references that definitely place it in Santa Ana, most likely at the Santa Ana Volcano or in the nearby mountains.”

“Do you know if the ZPM would be fully charged or is there a way to charge them?”

“The ZPM is most likely dead but the Protector has a way of charging the ZPMs within the suit. We just need a fully functional container for the ZPM.” Dr. Sheppard responded.

“Holy shit. That’s…amazing. Will all three of you need to go on this trip or can just one of you go?” Colonel Mitchell asked, somewhat fearful of the response.

“Dr. Jackson and I should suffice,” Dr. Sheppard responded. He knew that Rodney would want to go on the trip but he would be more useful in Atlantis, further analyzing the data.

“What about Dr. McKay?” Colonel Mitchell asked, not believing his ears.

“We are hoping it will be a fairly short trip. In and out, at most, a week. Dr. McKay would be more useful staying here to analyze the data from the interface so that we can have a better understanding how the Protector works and what type of pilots we would need for it.”

“Sounds plausible. Are you alright with this, Dr. McKay?”

“I would rather go on the trip but someone does need to stay behind to shift through this data. I think it would also be best if Major Lorne stayed behind too, since I’m not sure how Atlantis would respond to people going through her database without the Golden Boy nearby.”

“I agree. I’m sorry to say, Major Lorne, but you will be calling Atlantis your home for the foreseeable future.”

Shortly after they arrived, Major Lorne went into Flagstaff for the day to get supplies. While he was gone, Atlantis took it upon herself to fully antagonize everyone remaining, fearing that Major Lorne wouldn’t be coming back as result of his colleagues. She would cause interfaces to power down or make the walls feel either freezing cold or overheated. If you tried to take a shower that day, then you would only get freezing cold water. It was so bad that Sergeant Markham called Major Lorne on his cell phone and pleaded with him to come back early, fearful of the things that Dr. McKay or Dr. Sheppard might do to Atlantis as retaliation. Since that point, Major Lorne usually kept close to Atlantis and made sure that everyone was behaving. He felt restricted but it was nice to be needed in a way that no one else could fulfill. He knew it was a double-edge sword.

“I’ve gotten used to the fact that I won’t be leaving any time soon. Have we figured out a way to use the cell phones while we are here on base? I would like to call my sister soon so she knows that I’m not dead. Just being held prisoner.” Granted, since Atlantis gave select people access to her interface, she has been better about Major Lorne taking short hikes around the mountain or into town, especially if he tells her he would be back shortly. He is hoping that she will soon stop using him like a safety blanket.

“She might allow it, if you tell her why you need it. It would definitely make our lives easier,” Dr. Sheppard responded.

“I will see what I can do.” Major Lorne responded.

“I would like to state that I think I found the medical bay for Atlantis yesterday. I would greatly appreciate it if Major Lorne could come with me to the place and see what he can switch on. I was able to make a few of the consoles somewhat turn on but I think I would have better results with Major Lorne.”

“Sure, Doctor.”

“Excellent. Once we’ve spent some time there, I’ll have a better understanding on what’s available and how we can use it. Yes, Colonel, I’ll keep track of which items might be useful for us and the SGC and which ones we might want to bypass for now.”

“Good, Doctor Beckett.” Colonel Mitchell responded. “If there is nothing else, then everyone is dismissed.”

Everyone got up from the table and headed to the various sections of Atlantis.

Daniel followed Evan to their bunkroom. Due to the limited space, every room contained at least 2 people in it. Upon entering the room, Daniel closed the door, knowing that their conversation would be private.

“Are you alright, Ev? You seem a bit…down.” Daniel commented as he went to the folding chair in their room.

“I’m…I….I’ve had better days. It was 3 years ago tomorrow that the Kaiju first came to our world, causing mass destruction and death. Including my parents’ death. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of them.”

Daniel gets up and hugs Evan. He knows how close Evan was to his parents and how much guilt he had for not being there for them, not that he would have been able to do anything for them. He knows that he wouldn’t have been able to change anything but it’s the principle of the situation. No one said that guilt was logical or sensible.

Evan starts to cry as the hug continues and Daniel just holds him. Daniel knows that the anniversary of Evan’s parents’ death is always rough for Evan.

“I know you miss them. I’m here and so is your sister and her family.”

“I know. I just wish that I could go to San Francisco and walk into my old home, smelling homemade pumpkin spice bread or the crumbly coffee cake. Or be able to bring home my theoretical boyfriend to them and have a family gathering where my sister interrogates him while my mother smothers him with love and food. Not that I have any boyfriend or anything.”

“Knowing Sherri, she will still interrogate any boyfriend that you bring by her place. She considers it to be her older sister duty, after all.”

“I know. Not that any guy would want to date someone who is too dedicated to his job with unknown hours.”

“Who knows? Maybe you’ll find someone who is in the same profession as you and just as dedicated to their job as you are.”

“That would have it’s perks.” Evan said.

“I would be jealous. Hey, do you want to see if we can convince John and Rodney to join us with another SGC-MST3K edition of another bad 80’s sci-fi movie like “Back to the Future”?”

“I wonder if there is a projector that can be connected to a computer in this base. It would be great to watch a movie on the big screen and we could throw popcorn at the parts that annoy us.”

“You could ask her. The worst that she would tell you is no.”

“Give me a sec.”

Evan blanked his mind and then mentally asked Atlantis about the projector. To his surprise, there is one in the conference room. They do not need a computer, just the disc that they could put in the player like device.

“She says that there is one that we can use in the conference room. We don’t even need a computer.”

“Have I told you how jealous I am that you are able to talk to her like you do?”

“It is cool at times but it can be a bit…overwhelming? Annoying?”

“But the chance to actually learn how a powerful, ancient technology thinks and sees things would be amazing. To see what her life has been like and maybe to see if she could tell you more about life back when she was first built.”

“It would be interesting if I was you but I’m not. Let’s go see if we can convince John and Rodney to join us. If not, it can just be the two of us. I think we’ve deserved a break from the work that we’ve been doing.”

“Agreed. Let’s go.”

They leave the room and head towards where the Protector is stored. They know that if they weren’t in meeting or weren’t sleeping that John and Rodney have been spending almost every minute analyzing the data that they can find about the Protector.

When they poked their heads in and see how in depth they were with their research, Evan and Daniel decided to let them be and have their own movie time in the conference room. With that in mind, they headed to the conference room to play their movie.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 3 Comments

Fight to Win – Chapter 5 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: R

Warning for this section: Language, GoldenBoy!Evan, teasing between brother and sister, snark

Word Count: 2,401 / 10,132


Two days later, General O’Neill called a meeting with the team that went to Antarctica and SG1 to the conference room off of the gate room.

“We have a go with the trip to Flagstaff. Since we don’t want to tip everyone off that there might be something that is residing near Flagstaff, it will only be Major Lorne’s team with Dr. McKay, Dr. Sheppard and Dr. Jackson, along with Dr. Beckett, going to Flagstaff. I will have SG4 on stand-by, in case disaster happens. What am I saying? With three geeky trouble magnets going, there will no doubt be trouble.”

“I can quit, you know. Many people would love to have me work for them.” Rodney said sternly.

“No one would keep you will supplied in chocolate and coffee like we do and provide you with some….good distraction.” Jack supplied politely, trying not to look at Daniel or John.

“Jack, will Major Lorne be leading the team?” Daniel asked.

“Actually, I was thinking that he might be a bit busy, especially if you find this Azawhatsitwhooseit base thing and it’s powered by Ancient technology. I have a feeling he will become the equivalent of the ‘Human Lightswitch’. Therefore, I was going to have Colonel Mitchell temporary switch over to Lorne’s team to be the primary leader with Lorne second in command. Mitchell, I do expect you to listen to Dr. McKay and Dr. Sheppard and Major Lorne if it relates to the Ancient technology.”

“Understood, sir.”

“What will SG1 be doing?” Lt. Colonel Carter quietly asked.

“SG1 will be going to a planet that might have an ally who might help us with this Kaiju war on Earth or at least help supply us with some cool toys.”

“With Daniel going to Flagstaff, who will be our geek?”

“Jonas Quinn. He has heard of the race that you’ll be visiting with.”

“When do you leave?”

“Within the next two hours. The team going to Flagstaff will leave in the morning. You have until then to get your affairs in order. Plan on being there for at least a week, if not more. Nothing else?”

Upon hearing no objections or questions, General O’Neill said, “Dismissed.”

Everyone cleared out of the room to head towards their own labs or training rooms.

Evan went back to his room to pack, which wasn’t much. He decided to call his sister before leaving, especially since he wasn’t sure when he would be able to talk to her again.

Pulling out his cell, he dialed his sister’s phone number.

“Evan, long time, no hear.” Sherri chided her brother. She knows that he’s been busy with active duty. She just wished he would call her more often or visit. She wasn’t picky.

“Sorry. Been busy.”

“Bullshit. You know I can see through your lies.”

“Work has been busy.”

“Maybe. But knowing you, all work and no play makes a very grumpy Evan. I want you to be happy, Ev. Whatever it takes.”

“I am happy.”

“You are just fooling yourself.”

“Not everyone is happy being a married, mother of 2 beautiful children.”

“I know you love your niece and nephew very much.”

“I love my family very much.”

“I take it this means that you’ll be off the grid for a while? I know you usually call like this when you are either going to be visiting or when you are going to be disappearing for a while.”

“You know me too well. My team is going on a mission tomorrow. Don’t entirely know when I’ll be back or be able to call you again.”

“Will Danny be going with you?”

“Yes. He and two of his geek buddies will be with me. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad, based on how much all three of them attract trouble on their own. Now, they are all together, it might cause trouble to come out of the woodwork.”

“Be nice. He’s always been good to you.”

“I am. How are my niece and nephew doing?”

“They are doing well and keep asking when Uncle Danny and Uncle Evan are coming to visit. Do you think you can drag Danny with you when you come home next?” Sherri knew that nothing romantic would happen between Evan and Daniel but she kept hoping that they would end up in loving relationships. She would, of course, have first dibs on interrogating their boyfriend, just like any older sister would.

“Probably. He loves interacting with them. I know he misses them. I’m hoping to at least swing a weekend visit after this next mission but we will see.”

“There is a part of me that hates the fact that you have to keep so much from me. Then again, if I knew the details, I think I would worry even more. Please be safe. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you.”

“I will try the best that I can.”

“See that you do and please give Danny a hug from me and his niece and nephew. Will bribing you and Danny with some home-baked cookies if you come to visit help?”

“You know how to make our mouths water with all of that delicious food. Argh. You are evil.”

“But you love me.”

“Yes, I do. I need to go and finish packing. Give my love to everyone.”

“Give a hug to Danny for me and have him give you a hug from me.”

“That…almost made sense. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Evan pulled his cell phone away from his face and closed it. He knew that he could have talked to his sister a bit more but it always hurt him that he couldn’t go into details with her about the mission or how it might change the fight against the Kaiju. Deciding he needed to be around his friends, he went to Daniel’s lab to see what ancient text he was going over now and bug him about food soon.


The next morning, Mitchell’s team took an airplane to Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Arizona and then drove two cars up to Flagstaff. Before they got into the cars to drive to Flagstaff, they all changed into civilian clothing so they would blend in better. They all dressed like typical hikers, going out for a hike up the mountain, with some extra boxes and gear.

Since Evan and Cameron did not want a headache on the drive up to Flagstaff, they broke up the personnel so not all of the geeks were in one place. They would try the saint’s patience, if a saint happened to be in the car with them.

When they get closer to Flagstaff, they stopped at a local restaurant to eat and figure out a strategy on where to look for Aztlan. They knew, generally, where Aztlan was supposed to be located. Initially, they thought it was supposed to located nearer to the crater of the volcano. Upon further inspection, they realized that it was more likely to be residing in the nearby mountain range. With a path that was normally used for hikers, the team had a plan in mind. They drove to their starting point and parked the trucks in one of the off the road parking lots. They hoped that their trucks wouldn’t raise too many questions but they also weren’t sure how long they might be camping in the mountains.

Getting out of the truck, Mitchell yells, “Everyone gather your gear and let’s start trekking up the mountain. Dr. Jackson, you have the map for the possible location for us.”

“Yes, right here. If we are lucky, we should get to the cave in about three hours.”

“Why don’t you lead the way? Markham, please stay close to Dr. Jackson. I don’t want anything happen to him.”

“Yes, sir.”

Once seeing everyone is all set to leave, Mitchell bellows, “Let’s head out. Stackhouse and Miller, I want you two to bring up the rear.”

“Yes, sir.” They both responded in unison.

Everyone turned and started to head up the trail that slowly goes up the mountain. To pass time, Rodney and John talked about their various projects.

“Why must there be so many death traps around us?” Rodney moans.

“This is nature, not a death trap.” John replies in a calm manner.

“Please. There are bugs that are trying to eat me and loose branches that are trying to trip me.”

“How did you survive childhood?”

“By reading a lot and staying in the house to pester my sister? I graduated high school by the age of 15. I grew up fast.”

“I’m sorry. Everyone should have a childhood where they get to imagine things and learn to explore new parts of the world, including the woods in your backyard.”

“Not everyone had a cool uncle who would visit and tell awesome war stories to make the military sound so interesting.” Rodney said with some anger in his voice.

“Why not live a little now?” John said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“When we are on a mission and need to pay attention to things?” Rodney said with great disbelief in his voice.

“We are in Arizona, not even off planet. I think we can let our defenses down a little bit.”

Not wanting to respond to John’s query, Rodney turned his head to ask Daniel, “How much longer do we have until we get to the cave?”

Daniel looking up from his map says, “It should just be around this bend, I do believe.”

They walk to around the corner but they only see thick trees with leaves and moss.

“Does anyone see the cave?” Colonel Mitchell asks.

“Yes, it’s right over there.” Major Lorne responds and points in the direction that he is talking about.

Everyone turns to see where they might have overlooked the cave to only see more trees and rocks.

“Are you sure? I only see trees and rocks.” Mitchell said in a disbelieving tone.

“Me too.” Stackhouse responded.

“But it’s there. I can see it.”

“It could be possible that Major Lorne can see the entrance and maybe access the cave because of his ATA gene. Maybe a security measure that the Ancients put in place to make sure no one but a descent of their race can access the main base for Aztlan.” John theorized.

“Major Lorne, why don’t you cautiously try to see if you can enter the cave? We will wait here, in case there are more security measures to prevent anyone going in there.” Mitchell responded.

“Yes, sir.” Major Lorne responded.

He cautiously walked to the cave’s entrance with his hands raised and his gun sitting by the strap on his chest, just in case he needs it. When he is at the entrance, he pushes his hand in front of him and he feels a little buzz up his arm, like he has crossed a barrier. Upon seeing no damage to his hand, he walks through the barrier to see a dark cavern. As he tries to grab his flashlight to look around, he hears a buzzing and clicking in the background. Soon, lights have been turned on around him and he sees for the first time how huge the area is.

The walls are white with a soft glow to them. The tables look to be housing units for computers and other technological things. Evan guessed that it might be one of the main communication centers or labs in the place.

Evan starts to hear a soft static buzz in his head, compelling him to touch the wall.

“Welcome, ancestor.” A female voice says in Evan’s head.

“Thank you. Can you lower your barrier?” Evan asked hesitantly.

“No. They are not descendants.”

“They won’t harm you.”

“Do you have proof?”

Evan opened up his mind to show the voice what he and his colleagues have done previously, including visiting the Ancient outpost in Antarctica. He showed how many times he and his teammates have saved people and helped their allies out of tight situations.

It seemed like many hours before the voice says, “Very well. The barrier will be lowered but they will be monitored.”

“Thank you.”

Evan pulled his hand away from the wall and waited for the other to join him.

A few minutes later, Evan hears, “Major Lorne? Are you in there? Is it safe?” Mitchell’s gruff voice.

“I’m fine, Colonel Mitchell. It’s amazing in here.” Evan said with great awe in his voice.

Evan hears the heavy footfalls of his colleagues entering the cave and the gasps as they take in the surrounding area.

Upon seeing the cast of a lion’s head near the doorway, Rodney growls, “Now, it’s fucking with me.”

“When will you learn to stop thinking of my theories as hogwash, Rodney?” Daniel quipped. He’s used to Rodney not giving a second thought to his various theories about civilizations and their mythologies. Granted, Daniel wasn’t completely sure about the connection until just now as well.

“When you can keep producing results like this or actually make sense? I’m not too picky.” Rodney responded.

“My theories, more times than not, do produce results.”

Evan whistled and caught everyone’s attention. “I wanted to let everyone know that this technology is sentient like Antarctica. She wasn’t going to allow you in, until I showed her that she could trust all of us. She said she would allow you in but would monitor everyone. For now, I would approach everything with extreme caution. I don’t entirely know what she is capable of doing, if you are caught doing something that she doesn’t like.”

“Do you know if this place has a chair like the outpost?” John queried.

“Yes, it does.”

“Do you know where?”

“Just down the hall. I assume you want me to do the honors of sitting in the chair while I query the interface again?”

“It would be useful to see what’s available here.”

“True but I don’t want to annoy her or piss her off.”

“Why don’t we just do a few simple queries and go from there?”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

Evan turned on his heels and headed down the hallway with John and Rodney following him with two military men. Evan just hoped that the interface truly believed that she was in good hands with him and his colleagues.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 4 Comments

Fight to Win – Chapter 4 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: R

Warning for this section: Teasing, past physical injury due to sports, angst, geeking, picking on Indiana Jones (movie)

Word Count: 1,792 / 7,731


Rodney decided to go to the cafeteria to grab some coffee and a sugary, chocolate snack. Upon getting two double-fudge brownies and a big mug of coffee, he looks around trying to find a spot to sit. Discovering John at a table in the far corner with his laptop open, Rodney made his way over to him.

“Why do my minion scientists felt the need to take over my lab to the point where I couldn’t concentrate? Is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet while I was trying to figure out some of the specs about the Protector?”

“Yeah, some scientists don’t know how to respect personal space.” John grumbled.

“Tell me about it. What are you doing on your laptop?”


“Last time I checked, you needed those big white boards to write that lovely equations out on the board. Some might interrupt it as a love letter or porn, especially when you wiggle your butt due to you writing so hard and fast.”

“Not that you noticed or anything?” John asked calmly with a rise of his eyebrow.

“What are you actually doing on your laptop and why here?”

“I’m playing online chess while waiting for my lab to clear out of the experiments going on in my lab too.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I would almost say that our minions were conspiring against each other but I think that would require too much attention to detail for them.”

“Be nice. I like most of your minions.”

“Who are you playing against?”

“Some player called “Knighttakesqueen”. Why do you play?”

“Yes, and I’ve played that person too. He is good.”

“He? You know who the person is.”

“Not really but statistically, I figured, that the person must be male.”


“What name do you use for the chess game? Oh, I know, wildhairrus or piforever…”

“Actually, it’s ‘dreamflyboy’”

“Why that moniker?”

“My uncle was in the Air Force. Whenever he visited, he would always tell some of the best stories. I always wanted to be like him. Unfortunately, in high school, I was on the track and field team. During one of the meets, I ran the cross country part and I ended up dealing excessive damage to my knee. I was out for the rest of high school. By the time that I graduated high school, my knee was doing slightly better but my doctor warned me to stay away from any “undue stress”. Luckily, during my junior year of high school, I had an awesome math teacher that made me fall in love with math. Of course, it didn’t hurt that the teacher was extremely hot.”

“I’m sure she was.”

“From that point on, math became my life. I ended up going to MIT to get my PhD in applied mathematics.”

“As interesting as your history is, what does it relate to your moniker?”

“My mother always told me to never stop believing in dreams and hope. One of my dreams was to be in the Air Force, aka Fly Boy. Since it is a dream and not reality, I though the moniker “dreamflyboy” would make the most sense.”

“True. I don’t know why you would want to waste your beautiful mathematical mind on the Air Force, not when you can be solving the greatest issue like where Aztlan is.”

“So what’s your moniker? It’s not “DrKnowitall”, by chance?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I should have known. You play quite well and creatively.”

“I’ve been known to think outside the box, you know. Need any help?”

“Nah, I just thought of a play. Let me enter it and then we can go and have an Indiana Jones marathon with our friends. We can all bitch about the various aspects of the movie. I know Daniel will have a field day with the archaeology side of it. Evan will most likely moan about the guns and the fighting. Hm. It will be SGC’s version of M3TK. Up for it?”

“Sure. Let’s grab some sugary treats and beer. Nothing like alcohol, sugar, and snark to make the time fly by.”

After a few minutes of John concentrating and typing on his laptop, he pushed the cover down and got up. “Let’s grab the food and head towards Daniel’s office.”

Rodney followed after John to grab some food before rounding up their friends and stopping by Rodney’s room on base to pick up some liquor.


Hearing the knock on his quarter’s door, Evan cautiously opened it. He was technically off-duty but knew that an emergency could arise or his friends could be visiting.

Upon seeing Daniel, Evan opened the door and said, “Come in. Please sit down where you can.”

Like most quarters at the SGC, Evan’s room was just big enough for a twin bed and small table with a chair.

Daniel walked past Evan and sat down in the chair, while Evan closed the door and sat down on his bed.

“What’s going on?” Daniel asked quietly. It had been quite a while since they’ve had a private conversation with just the two of them.

“Nothing much. I’ve been trying to write a letter to my sister to let her know that I’m still alive. I know she worries a lot with me still being in the military.”

“Please tell her I say hi.”

“Will do.” Ever since Daniel went with Evan to San Francisco to help deal with the funeral arrangements for Evan’s parents, he had been close to both Evan and his sister, Sherry. Sherry had even adopted Daniel as an extra younger brother, which amused Evan.

“You’ve been extra quiet lately and been keeping to yourself. Any reason why?” Daniel said after a few minutes of silence between the two of them.

“I’ve had a lot on my mind. I….Do you know if the protector is actually a jaegar and if the pilot will need to have the ATA gene?”

“As far as we can tell, the protector seems to be an earlier model of the Jaeger but we won’t know for sure until we can find it and test it out. As to the ATA gene, there is a very strong chance that either one or both of the pilots will need the gene. Why? You don’t want to become a pilot?”

“Not really. To have someone meld with my mind. To see memories from past and get under my psyche and skin like that. I would have to truly trust the person and I don’t know if I can do that.”

Daniel got up from his chair and sat next to Evan on his bed. Daniel wrapped his arm around Evan’s shoulder and pulled him against his chest.

“I know that since your parents’ death, you’ve thrown yourself into your work and only doing occasional things with the group of geeks. I also know that if you are indeed one of the pilots that you’ll be one of the best one that Earth will have.”

“How can I let someone into my mind like that?”

“There is a reason why some of the best pilot pairs are siblings or lovers with a deep love for each other. Almost like soul mates. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a lot of people to allow someone that they don’t know into their psyche. The fact that the pilot pairing can be decided based on fighting style seems a bit weird to me but I’ve heard Jack say many times that you can see how a person will behave based on it. I guess it’s a military thing.”

“Kind of.”

“I do believe that your pilot partner will be exceptional due to the fact that they will need the ATA gene. One of my colleagues thought that those who have the strongest ATA gene tend to share some characteristics with each other.”

“Oh, yeah? What?”

“Well, they tend to be strong-willed but have a good heart. Always willing to sacrifice their lives to help out their friends and allies. Loyal to the end. Trusting of others to do the right thing.”

“A dog?”

“Maybe some of the characteristics are ones that you would apply to a dog but all of those qualities do apply to both you and Jack, the two strongest ATA gene carriers here at the SGC. I’m willing to bet that your pilot buddy would be the same way too.”

“I just hope that I don’t freak out during the drift and make the Jaeger misfire and cause the dome to collapse or something.”

“I’m sure you will do fine. Just try to do your best to keep your emotions in check.”

“You make it sound so easy. I’m sure it’s anything but.”

“Most likely but I’m not planning on leaving your side during the process. Besides, it might turn out that you aren’t needed as a pilot so all of this angst would’ve been for nothing.”

“Thank you, Daniel. You always know how to calm my nerves and offer advice. I won’t go as far to say that it’s always sound but it does put things into certain perspective.”

“No problem.”

They hugged each other until they heard a knock on the door.

Pulling away, Evan said, “I should get that. You never know when Jack might need me.”

Walking to the door and opening, Evan saw John and Rodney standing on the other side of it.

“Hi, I know that you are technically off-duty but John had the brilliant idea of doing a MST3K-inspired SGC style of Indiana Jones, where each of provide the commentary on how wrong the various scenes are. We were thinking of doing it in a marathon. Oh, there will be sugar treats and alcohol.” Rodney rambled as soon as Evan opened his door.

Turning his head over his shoulder, Evan asked Daniel, “What do you say?”

“It sounds great. I love tearing Indiana’s archaeological skills to shreds. Some humor and rifting can be fun among friends.” Daniel said as he rose from the bed.

Turning back to Rodney and John, Evan said, “Sounds like fun. Where are meeting so we can fit everyone?”

“The lounge around the corner? It tends to be empty during the afternoon.” John offered.

“Sounds good. We’ll be there in about 10 minutes?”

“Sure. See you then.”

John and Rodney turned around and went down the hall to quickly grab the liquor before heading to the lounge.

Evan quickly closed the door before pulling Daniel into another hug and whispering in his ear, “Thank you for everything, my brother.”

Daniel pulled him into a tighter hug before releasing him and exiting the room. They headed down to the lounge to wait for the others to show up.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 4 Comments

Fight to Win – Chapter 3 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: R

Warning for this section: Language, bending mythology and history, angst, talking about blindness, teasing

Word Count: 1,887/ 5,939


As soon as Major Evan and the team got back to the SGC, they only had enough time to shower, eat a meal and take a short nap before General O’Neill requested their presence in the conference room by the Gate room to talk about their findings.

“Alright, kids. What do you have for me?” Jack said as he walked into the meeting room. Dr. McKay, Dr. Sheppard, Dr. Jackson, Colonel Carter and Teal’c were already waiting for Jack to arrive.

“We know where Aztlan is.” Daniel said.

“That’s not Atlantis,” Jack responded.

“Yes, it is.” Upon seeing Jack’s raised eyebrow, Daniel continued his theory. “Aztlan was thought to be a legendary ancestral home to the Nahua people, also known more commonly as Aztecs. Aztecs have been around for a long time. Unfortunately, most of the records that we have about them are very little or to non-existent. What records we do have, they aren’t entirely translated due to no one really knowing their language.”

“This is all nice, Danny, but how is Aztlan Atlantis?” Jack said in a slightly irritated tone. Jack knows that if Daniel had the time, he would give a complete history of the Aztecs, but they do not have time for it.

“Since a lot of the Aztec mythology is based on verbal stories, words and meanings have had a greater chance of evolving over time. I find it to be very interesting how similar the names of Atlantis and Aztlan are. If you add in the name of Aslan, than I think you have more than a coincidence of those names that keep showing up.”

“You mean Aslan from…?” Rodney asked. He loved those books.

“Yes.” Daniel responded.

“Does that mean that the author was….?”

“Don’t know but it does put a new spin on things.”

“Yes, it does.”

“Can we get back to the important thing here? About the whole Azlawhatawhoisit. Isn’t Atlantis thought to have been based in Europe?”

“Yes, but there were rumors of some of the more ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians were already sailing their ships to Americas, long before Christopher Columbus and his voyage. Christopher Columbus is only greatly remembered because the human race were actually taking good notes about what was going on and took great care of those notes. Granted, a lot of these rumors are usually believed by conspiracy theorists. Hell, people think I’m one for my theory about the pyramids. Look how that turned out.”

“But Arizona isn’t next to water.” Jack reasoned.

“No, but I think the main base was in Arizona, near Flagstaff, while the wharf or naval base aspect of it was probably based near San Diego, or importantly, San Diego Bay. If you think about how Atlantis is described, you can see that the San Diego Bay fits it. Alternatively, like the kid’s game of “telephone”, the Greeks or whichever ancient civilization told their story but changed the name of the city to better fit their culture and changed the details of the city. Think about it, to make it seem more incredible, they changed the name so that no one could claim that they knew where it existed or where they could get help. The area became a greatly respected area based on the tales and stories told about it.  Atlantis became the place that the people needed in order to better protect themselves, like any legendary place. Just like any story, especially one that is deep in mythology, there is a kernel of truth.”

“Alright. Based on that, do you know if anything is left of the wharf?” Jack asked, wanting to know all of the details.

“As far as we can tell, if there was anything, then it’s been built over. The base in Arizona will hopefully tell us more.”

“Hopefully?” Jack said with a cautious tone that implied he didn’t entirely trust the response from Daniel.

“Major Lorne was able to access the interface through the chair and he was able to get some schematics from the database, including the plans of a “protector” that Aztlan had.”

“Do you have them?” Jack queried.

Dr. Sheppard pulled out the printed sheets from the folder and laid them in front of the other people so that they could see what the “protector” is.

“That’s a Jaeger. But how?” Colonel Carter asked with a slightly hesitant tone.

“We don’t know all of the details yet but as far as we can tell, it is a Jaeger, built about 2,000 years ago. It is interesting to note that some scholars have postulated that the word ‘Aztlan’ literally translates to ‘at the place in the vicinity of tools’. Maybe one of these ‘tools’ is the protector.”

“How? Who? What does it run on?”

“From what we can tell, it runs on two ZPMs.”

“ZPMs?” Carter responded. After a few minutes pause,”Were the Aztecs actually the Ancients? Why would they need a Jaeger back then?”

“It’s not entirely clear why the protector was made, except to provide extra security. As to whether or not the Aztecs were Ancients, it is unclear. Or they might have had some Ancient help, like I did with Oma Desala. We won’t know until we can actually take a closer look at it. I would say that some of the Aztecs might have at least been descents of the Aztec people.”

Jack sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Let me think about it and call the President. I should also call General Hammond so he’s aware of what is going on.”

When General Hammond was asked to be the lead officer for Homeland Security and be part of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, he decided to take the job offer. He liked running the SGC but he knew it was his time to step down. He appointed then Brigadier General O’Neill to head the SGC. Hammond knew that the SGC was in good hands.

After a few minutes pause, Jack states, “Be on stand-by. All of you. Do we know of any possible hazards on the way of getting to this possible base?”

“Not that we know of but we would all go in with our eyes open.”

“Fair enough. Thank you for this possible uplifting meeting. I’ll be in my office, taking some Advil, before calling the President and General Hammond. Dismiss.”

With those words, the room cleared out. Daniel, Rodney and John headed to their offices to work some more on what they found. Dr. Carter tagged along with Rodney so they could figure out more things about the “Protector” and how it might be related to the Jaegers and how to find the two ZPMs. Teal’c and Evan headed to the gym to spar with each other. Evan was still determined to learn the fighting style of the Jaffa.


Back in Washington, D.C., Auggie was enjoying a relaxing afternoon in his apartment, which hasn’t been happening for a while due to work and being Annie’s handler.

Auggie was playing online chess with Dr. Knowitall. Auggie doesn’t know the person’s real name but wonders what type of person would have that handle. The person may occasionally say arsine things but the person plays chess really well. The online chess game works well because it’s both turn-based and real time. They just need to choose which version of the game they want to play at the time. Occasionally, he plays with DreamFlyBoy. The player can be challenging with the moves but is a lot kinder and decent. At the moment, Auggie was trying to figure out his next move in the game with Dr. Knowitall.

When Auggie hears the knock on the door, he puts aside his laptop and wanders to the door, figuring it’s one of his friends. When he opens the door, he recognizes the perfume.

“Annie Walker. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Well, I was out doing errands and I decided to see what you were up to. I was afraid you would be holed up in your apartment, playing with your geeky friends online.”

“You know me too well.”

“Do you want to head to Allen’s Tavern for something to eat and drink?”

“Alright. Let’s head out.” He quickly leaned over to the table by the door to grab his keys and wallet.

Once they arrive at Allen’s Tavern, they sit at their usual table and order their meal before getting down to the real talk.

“Auggie, how have you been?”


“I don’t believe you. You’ve been distant lately. I can tell your mind hasn’t been on the work as much lately.”

“By my far away look? I hate to tell you that I always look that way.” Auggie learned early on that if he made a joke about his blindness that it relaxed everyone else around him. They tended not to notice his blindness as much.

“I just get this feeling that you aren’t diving into the work as much as you used to. What’s going on?”

After a few seconds of pause and weighing his options, he decides to tell Annie.

“Have you heard about the Jaeger program?”

“Yes, I’ve heard that they’ve been recruiting like crazy for it, especially with the military or ex-military.”

“Yes. Some of my close military buddies have called me about it and it sounds like an once in a lifetime experience. I can only begin to imagine how huge the Jaegers are and what it would feel like to have all of that power and control coursing through your body and mind. It’s one of the few times that I really wish I still had my sight.”

“The doctors are still not hopeful?” Annie asked in a soft tone.

“No. They even hinted at the fact that it might be good for me to stop going to them, unless I have some other issue going on.”

Annie reaches over and slightly squeezes his hand. “I’m sorry, Auggie. I know that you would have been the first one who signed up for the Jaeger program, if things were different.”

“Thanks, Annie. I know I could count on you.” Auggie slightly squeezes her hand. “I do miss the military and putting my skills to use.”

“You are still in excellent shape. I haven’t had a better teacher for hand-to-hand combat. Seriously.”

“You always know how to say the right words.”

“So that’s why you keep me around? I was thinking it was due to my good looks.”

“You are beautiful to me.”

“If I didn’t know better, I would say you are hitting on me, Mr. Anderson.”

Auggie takes Annie’s hand and lightly kisses her knuckles.

“But you do know better. You are one of my best friends in the world. Thank you.”

“If you ever do change your mind about that, please let me know.”

“You will be the first to know.”

“Why can’t I find guys like you who would be willing to date me?”

“Would you really want your boyfriend to be blind?”

“As long as he has a heart of gold, sure.”

They continue to talk when their food arrived. Afterwards, they headed back to Auggie’s apartment to hang out for a short while before Annie left for the night. Finally figuring out his chess move, Auggie grabs his computer to enter his move before heading to bed himself. He knows that work will be grueling in the morning but he greatly enjoyed his time with Annie.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 8 Comments

FIght to Win – Chapter 2 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: PG-13

Warning for this section: Language, geeking out

Word Count: 4, 052 / 50,000



Unfortunately, Jack O’Neill’s gut was correct. The monsters kept attacking various countries through the world. The world government started to get together to pool their resources and form the Pan Pacific Defense Corps in 2014. In addition, the scientific community tried to come up with new weapons to use against the aliens. The monsters started to come every 6 months, but recently, they’ve been coming every 3 months and seem to have gotten stronger and harder to kill.

The worst part was that it seemed like there was a variety of Kaiju so the militaries had to make sure that they could handle anything. The Kaiju that attacked San Francisco was called “Trespasser” and it had a very thick skin with a height of 92 meters. Some people nicknamed the monster “Axe-head” due to what looked like an axe that sprouted from its’ nose to forehead region on the face. The second Kaiju looked like a lovechild of a T-Rex and sword-fish and it was nicknamed ‘Knifehead’.

A group of scientists came up with a huge, fighting robot called Jaegers. The Jaegers were about 10 meters tall with an interface that a person can interact with by connecting in the “brain” of the robot through a metal spine that engaged the cortex of the pilot’s brain.

The pilots, people manning the Jaegers, had to go through rigorous mental and physical examinations to make sure that they would be able to handle the piloting job after they enlisted in the Jaeger Academy. In addition to the examinations, the pilots had to successfully fight a Kaiju in simulation fight. If they succeeded in everything, then they were assigned a Jaeger to man. At first, the scientists thought they would only need one person to interact with it but it proved to be too much for the human mind. When they tried it with two pilots manning the robot, the robot responded well and there was less effect on the humans. Furthermore, the scientists realized that the pilots would need a connection in order for the strength of the robot to be strong enough to fight the Godzilla-like monsters. The connection could be through family or friendship or lovers. As long as the pilots had it, then the Jaeger was most likely going to win the fight. One of the best Jaegers is called Gipsy Dangers, which is piloted by Yancy Becket and his brother, Raleigh Becket. The Becket brothers were assigned their Jaeger in early 2017 so they could help protect the Alaskan coastline.

In the mean time, the SGC were trying other avenues to find a way to stop the problem or come up with a better way of combating these aliens invading their planet. The premiere SGC team, SG1, upped their team missions, in hopes of finding the elusive Lost City of Atlantis or Aztlan or an ally that would help them against the fight or provide them with a weapon that would help with the issue.

With the latest world-threatening crisis that wasn’t the Kaiju averted, Daniel was able to convince Jack to allow him and a small team to go to the Antarctica. Daniel made sure that he had all of the primary books with him to use as a basis. He had thought up of a couple of questions that Carson could ask the Ancient interface. Major Lorne was going along as the team leader and for safety.

Once the team arrived in the Antarctica base, they went in different directions: Major Lorne and his four military members searched the base to make sure everything was secure, Daniel went to the nearby desk and took out his texts that he immediately consulted, and Dr. Beckett went to take a short nap. Dr. Sheppard and Dr. McKay went to the main control room to look things over before they attempted to turn on the equipment, manually.

As Major Lorne was going around the room, he noticed that the equipment was starting to light up. Becoming concerned, he decided to ask Dr. McKay about it.

“Dr. McKay, are you turning on the equipment?”

“Nope. Why do….” Rodney stopped when he looked up to see what was going on. “You must have the ATA gene and a very strong one at that, based on the way the equipment is reacting to you.”

Due to the various crises going on, including the medical issues that have come from being a pilot for the Jaegers and dealing with Kaiju, Dr. Beckett hadn’t been able to thoroughly figure out how to isolate the ATA gene. The main test that they had to figure out if the person had the gene was by being around the Ancient technology. At the moment, the Antarctica base had the most Ancient technology that the SGC had access to so it’s primarily through the visits there that they figured out who had the gene. No one made the equipment like Major Lorne has, except for General O’Neill.

“Haven’t you been to this base before?” John asked Evan.

“Never had the time. When it was discovered, I was off-world and haven’t had a chance to come here for a mission until now.”

“Why don’t you slowly go to the chair and lay down in it?” Rodney said. He figured that Evan would have the best chance of having the chair telling him the answers to Daniel’s questions about the Atlantis mythology.

Evan disengages his gun from his front side and hands it off to Markhouse. He turns to say, “Keep watch. Make sure nothing bad happens to anyone. If it does, then you will be on KP duty for a month.”

“Yes, sir.”

Evan turns and slowly approaches the chair. As he does, the chair starts to glow white with a bluish tint. He slowly reaches out with a hand and when he finds that nothing happens, he slowly lowers himself in the chair. Once he is fully seated, the chair reclines back as Evan’s mind engages with the Ancient interface in the chair.

In the distance, Evan hears Rodney say, “Why don’t you see if you can get the chair to show you what Earth looks like?”

Evan closes his eyes and focuses on the request. When he hears gasps, he opens his eyes to see a 3D beach-ball size representation of Earth.

“Major, can you please ask about Atlantis?” Evan hears Daniel ask.

Evan focuses on Atlantis but when he doesn’t hear any reaction, he opens his eyes to see that the 3D globe hadn’t change.

“How about Aztlan?”

When Evan tries to think about Aztlan, he tries to picture what it looked like so that the interface might have an idea what he is asking about. Soon, he hears a shout of triumphant, which probably means Daniel having found the location.

Evan slowly opens his eyes to see that the globe is no more. Instead, it shows an image of Arizona with a bright light, almost beacon-like, flashing just north of Flagstaff.

“There is a volcano near there. Could Aztlan have been a part of that region but was destroyed when the volcano erupted?” John asked.

“Maybe. It could be like America’s version of Pompeii. I can’t believe that Aztlan had been in our backyard all of this time.”

“You did not think to look on Earth?” Rodney asked like he was offended that Daniel did not think to inquire about Atlantis on Earth.

“Well, based on the fact that our Egyptian gods are actually aliens from our galaxy, I thought this might have been a similar thing. I did give Earth a cursory look but I decided that it had a greater chance of it being somewhere out in the galaxy. Major Lorne, can you ask the interface about any protector of Aztlan?”

Evan closes his eyes and thinks about the Jaegers that he has seen. If Daniel is correct, than the protector might look like one of the Jaegers. After a few minutes, he starts to see images in his head that look similar to the Jaegers but seem to have a different shine to it. The images start to go through the schematics of it and show the various variations on the arms and what powers it. Evan tries to ask the interface to e-mail the schematics to John, Rodney and Daniel since all three would drool over them. Next, Evan queries the interface about the history of the protector. After a short while, Evan slowly disengages his mind and body from the chair.

“Did you check your e-mail, Dr. McKay, Dr. Sheppard and Dr. Jackson?”

He saw all three scramble to their own computer and check their work e-mail. When they started to fist pump into their air and scream for joy, Evan knew that the interface had sent them the information.

“It looks like my work here is done.” Evan said as he rose from the chair.

“For now. We will need your help with this project. The interface clearly likes you and your ATA gene. You will want to pack your bags since you’ll be coming with us to Arizona.” Rodney said with a smirk on his face. With the information that Evan was able to get from equipment, he knew that Jack would re-assign Evan to Arizona, to help with the dig. With the proof of the protector, there are good chances that it is still residing in Arizona, where Aztlan is. Rodney McKay had strong faith that General Jack O’Neill would approve the mission to find Aztlan in Arizona but nothing was certain until Jack O’Neill signed off on it.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 8 Comments

Fight to Win – Chapter 1 – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson (eventually), John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (eventually), maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating for this section: R

Warning for this section: Angst, off screen violence (IED explosion), a person talking about their blindness and dealing with it

Word Count: 2, 473/50,000



Auggie was trying to wait patiently in his doctor’s office, awaiting the latest results on his eyes. Auggie’s life had changed in the blink of the eye. One minute he was with his Special Forces team in Afghanistan, on leave from the CIA, trying to disarm an IED when it went off. He lost his eyesight and the rest of his team members. Due to the blindness, he was honorably discharged from the Force but was able to keep his job at the CIA as a tech operative.

When he arrived back home, he distanced himself from his friends and family, feeling like they couldn’t understand what happened or how it felt to go from being at the top of your game to where you couldn’t figure out if someone was trailing you or if the person in front of you was friend or foe. Auggie had to relearn how to move and interact with people and it took a lot of time for him to adjust.

He had been seeing his optometrist, Dr. Higgins, for the past 6 months, on a monthly basis so they could determine the amount of damage that happened to his eyes and whether or not he could undergo some new treatment to at least gain some of his sight back. He didn’t realize how much he relied on it, until it was gone. He has learned new ways to see, feel, and interact with the world around him.

“How have you been, Auggie?”

Due to the constant appointments with his doctor, they have become good friends with each other.

“As well as can be expected, Dr. Higgins. I’m hoping that the results of the test will show that there might be some hope for my eyesight.”

“Unfortunately not, Auggie.”

“Well, thank you for your time and effort. It does mean a lot, even though you can’t do much for it.”

“I do greatly admire your will and determination to keep living like you have before.”

“Is there anything else?”

“Are you still seeing Dr. Heightmeyer?”

“Yes. The CIA requires that I see a psychiatrist for at least a year after the event to make sure that I’m coping with everything.”

“Very well. At this point, why don’t you come see me every other month?”

“Sounds good.” Getting up, Auggie reached out his hand, waiting for the doctor to slide his hand into his to shake it.

“See you in two months, Auggie. If anything happens, please feel free to call me or my office.” The doctor took Auggie’s hand to shake it.

“Thank you. See you around.”

Auggie pulls out his walking stick, even though he knows the halls of the doctor’s office fairly well. Once he gets outside, he hears the driver call him over to the car. The CIA arranged for a car service to take him to and from the doctor appointments for the ease and convenience. Over the time of going to the appointments, Auggie has gotten to know his driver.


After being in his office for a few hours, trying not to think about the doctor’s appointment, he hears the sliding doors to his office being opened. Upon smelling the perfume, he knows it’s his boss, Joan Campbell.

Pulling off his headphones that he uses for some of his work programs, he says, “Joan, what can I do for you?”

“Auggie, do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“There is something I want to talk to you about,” she says as she closes the door to his office. Auggie braces himself because it’s usually not good when she attempts privacy in his office.

“What is it?” Auggie tries to say in a calm voice. No use showing anger or annoyance before knowing what the problem is.

“I am assigning you the new asset, Annie Walker. I expect you to mentor and handle any issues she might have while on assignment.”

“When is she due?”

“Within the hour.”

“What’s her first assignment?”

“I’ll send you the details. I expect you to handle all of your duties.”

“I will.”

“I’ll bring her by your office when I give her a tour of the section.”

“I’ll be here.”

“See you later.” Without waiting for a response, she turns on her heels and heads back to her own office, at the front of the section.

Needing to figure out the assignment and his new asset, he puts his headphones back on and peruse the database in Langley.

A little over an hour later, he hears the sliding door to his office open and smells Joan’s perfume. Instead of saying anything, he waits for Joan to introduce them.

“Auggie, I would like you to meet your new asset, Annie Walker. Annie, Auggie will be your handler.”

Auggie leans up and pushes away his chair. He turns and holds out his hand, waiting for Annie to grab his hand. Feeling a soft, thin fingered hand slip into his, Auggie says, “It’s nice to meet you, Annie.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Auggie.”

Due to the inflections in her voice, he could tell that she was a bit surprised to see that he was blind.

“I hope this won’t be a problem.” He says while vaguely waving towards his eyes.

“Oh, no, it’s fine. I was just…”



“Soon, you’ll won’t even notice it.”

“Auggie, I was going to talk to Annie in my office. Afterwards, I’ll send her to your office before she goes off on her assignment.”

“I’ll get things set-up.”

“See you soon.”

Once hearing the door closed, he sat back in his chair. He had a feeling in his gut that Annie would prove to be a very faithful and dedicated asset, even a friend. He looked forward to working with her. He just hoped that none of her assignments brought her close to those enormous monsters that kept attacking Earth. It was shortly after the monster attacked San Francisco when he lost his eyesight. He knew how impressively large and strong those beings were. They did not look like anything of this world. He just hoped that they would be beaten soon and stopped causing so much destruction around the world.

Knowing he couldn’t solve the issue with a click of his fingers, he went back to work, waiting for Annie

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 5 Comments

Fight to Win – Prologue – Thothkristen

Title: Fight to Win

Author: Thothkristen

Fandoms/Genre: SGA/SG1, Covert Affairs and Pacific Rim

Relationships: Evan Lorne/Auggie Anderson, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, maybe some other minor pairings as the story is written

Content Rating: R for language, monster attack (off screen) and death of family members (off screen)

Warning: Language, violence (monster attack (offscreen)), and death of the family members (off screen)

Word Count: 1,416/50,000



To this day, Daniel Jackson, similar to the rest of the population, remembered the day that the monsters, Kaiju, first started to attack Earth. The event is etched into his memory like his parent’s generation always knew where they were when J.F.K. was assassinated or when the space shuttle, Challenger, exploded. Daniel Jackson had only been at the SGC as the linguistic expert for a few months and was wrapping his mind around the idea of aliens and his theories about the pyramid being correct. When Daniel received an e-mail alert about the monster’s attack, he thought it was an April Fool’s joke or a prank that the SGC pulled on the newbie. Much to his chagrin, it was the truth when he saw the videos being uploaded to YouTube. Daniel immediately runs to his good friend, Jack O’Neill, to see if he had heard the news and to see what was being done about the situation.

When he reached Jack’s office, he knocked and entered when he heard “Come in” through the door.

“Did you hear the news?”

“The monster near San Francisco?”

“Yes. Do you have any details on how it got there or where it came from? I thought the aliens that SGC dealt with were the Goul’d and were smaller, snake-like, not Godzilla-like.”

“They are. It seems like we might have a new alien on the scene, which does not make a happy President and a very grumpy General Hammond.”

“Where is Major Lorne?”

Daniel had become very good friends with Evan Lorne when he first arrived and knew that Lorne’s family still lived in the San Francisco area.

“He’s on a mission. I haven’t called him back yet from his mission.”

“His mission to mine ore?”

“Yes. He is supplying the information about the drilling. He’s important.”

“It’s also important that he knows about his family and his hometown. Do you have an update on them?”

“They didn’t make it.”

“Christ, Jack. He definitely needs to be called back to mourn his family.”

“I was going to call him back soon. It was only confirmed a few minutes before you arrived that his family was killed due to the monster attacking San Francisco.”

“Was it all of his family?”

“Just his parents. Apparently, they were on the Golden Gate bridge, stuck in traffic, when the monster, or alien, decided to take a stroll through the bay.”

“It’s nice to know that you still have your sarcasm.”

“Daniel.” Taking a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth, he continued, “When you’ve seen as much death and destruction as I have, you learn to distance yourself from the situation. I know it seems cold and uncaring but it’s better than being numb and not able to do my fucking job. I feel the pain of all of those people dead or badly injured. Trust me.”

After a few minutes of really looking at Jack’s face, he could see the tension and the pain in his eyes. Daniel knows that Jack does have a big heart that he has shielded due to the pain of the job, the divorce with his wife and the death of his son. Daniel often wondered how different Jack would be if his son hadn’t accidentally killed himself with a gun from Jack’s safe in the house.

“I do. Can you at least let me know when he arrives back? I want to be there for him. He will need someone to cry on, at least. At worst, someone to help him get to San Francisco and be the general background helper for him and his sister.”

“I’ll clear your time off with General Hammond.”

“Thank you, Jack. I’ll be in my office unless you need me for something else.”

“Not really, unless you happen to know where these aliens came from or happen to have a nuclear bomb hiding somewhere?”

“Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

“Maybe for now but I have a gut feeling that it wasn’t a fluke. We need to be better prepared, which would mean, better ways of beating it. Our military was only barely able to kill it. What will it take next time?”

“I don’t know. I leave the fighting up to you. Although this whole situation has reminded me of one of my favorite myths about Atlantis.”

“The Lost City with lots of naval power?”

“Yes or it’s believed to have it. No one knows for sure due to it being a myth. Some people believe that myths are born from some truths and the beliefs of the people of the time, so it may seem like a lot of naval power but it could be just for that time period. Also, with myths, you get different variations and usually they all hold a single piece of truth but when you put them together, they can create a bigger picture.”

“Do you have a point? Not that I don’t enjoy your lectures, especially in a time of crisis.”

“Sorry. One of the myths about Atlantis talks about a protector for the city. Specifically, a protector that seemed out of time and out of place. Many scholars have theorized what this protector is.”

“It’s a myth. I truly doubt there is any truth in it.”

“Maybe yes. Maybe no. If I can show you definite proof of the existence of Atlantis and the possible protector, would you and the SGC be willing to send a team to investigate it?”

“Give me the details and I’ll let you know.”

“I’ll let you know when I have worked through the various tales and figured things out.”


Two hours later, Daniel heads to the end of the ramp, awaiting for Evan to appear. Jack had talked to Evan’s commanding officer via the gate to let him know about the death in Evan’s family. Jack knows that he needs to update everyone about the current affairs in the US but he and Hammond were still working out the specifics.

General Hammond did send out a memo about it and put SGC on high alert since they did not know if another monster will appear and where. General Hammond didn’t want his men and women underneath him to be surprised by the news about the monster and the deaths in San Francisco.

Hearing the gate engaged, Daniel broke away from his thoughts about the events that had happened today.

“Daniel. What are you doing here?” Evan asked with a slight hitch to his voice. Evan knows that it’s usually bad news when someone is waiting for you at the end of the ramp.

“Why don’t we go and see Janet?”

“What’s going on? I heard that something has happened to my parents.”

Daniel remained quiet, wanting to completely inform Evan in a more isolated location.

“Can we go and see Janet now? I’ll tell you soon.”

“It’s bad, isn’t it? They’re dead, aren’t they?” As Evan talked, tears started to stream down his cheek and his eyes were filling with tears. Daniel wrapped his arm around Evan’s shoulders and guided him out of the gate room, directing him to the infirmary.

The examination went fast and found nothing wrong. Once Evan was cleared, Daniel led him back to his room at the SGC and brought his laptop with him.

Once the door is closed, Daniel made sure that Evan was sitting down before going into his prepared speech about the attack in San Francisco.

“How? Where did that monster come from? Is it alien?”

“Unfortunately, it’s only been a few hours since the attack. The military, including the SGC, are trying to gather intel on where the monster came from and it’s origins. I would guess, by the appearance alone, that the monster is alien.”

“Fuck. You’re sure that my parents’ are dead?”

“Yes. Jack confirmed the details. One of his friends went to inform your sister. She is heading to San Francisco.”

“I need to get there and be there for her. I need to help with the funeral arrangements. Fuck.”

Daniel went over to Evan and pulled him into a hug. Evan resisted at first and then pulled Daniel tight against him as he cried hard on his shoulder. Daniel kept reassuring him that everything will be alright and he will be by his side, helping with anything that he needed done.

That day, they understood the true meaning of their friendship and that they would have each others’ back forever.

Posted in Covert Affairs, Fight to Win, Naked Nano, Pacific Rim, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1 | Tagged | 7 Comments

“Always You” – Alpha!Charlie/Omega!Ian fic (NC-17)

Warning: Alpha/Omega Dynamics, Inheat, Established Relationship, dubious con, Knotting, Graphic Sexual relations

Author’s note: This is my first time in the Alpha/Omega dynamics. I’ve been reading A/B/O fics for a while and I noticed that Numb3rs didn’t have any. I decided to rectify that with this one-shot. It’s not betaed. Please take note of the Warnings. Enjoy!



“Ian. How are you? How is your training class going?”

When Ian and Charlie mated, Ian transferred to Don’s team at the FBI. The FBI still occasionally wanted him to provide tracking and hunting assistance for some cases. If that happens, then Charlie would join him on those manhunts. Luckily, Charlie did have some flexible hours with his teaching job at CalTech. In addition, Ian would go to Quantico to train the new snipers three times a year. Due to this, they have an apartment in DC area and a house in the LA area.

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“And the Sniper Makes Three….” – Chapter 15

Warning: Mpreg, Snark, Protective!Ian, Angst, Family Interactions, Homophobia, Harsh Words, Verbal Abuse


After taking a brief nap, Charlie joined Ian and his mother in the kitchen. They seemed to be catching up on the latest family gossip and the latest news in both of their lives. Charlie waits at the entrance, not wanting to intrude on their private time. Even though Ian might not say it, Charlie knows that Ian is very protective of his family, especially his mother.

Upon hearing Charlie fidget with his feet, Ian turned to say, “How was your nap?”

“It was heavenly. It’s a bit embarrassing with how much I’ve been sleeping lately.”

“Your body is defying science by trying to grow our child. I think you can give it a break in trying to regain it’s energy.” After a short pause, Ian continues to say, “Besides, your energy is going to a good cause.”

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Posted in And the Sniper Makes Three, Ian/Charlie, mpreg, Numb3rs | 6 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 18

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell (Eventually)

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 14

Warning: Mpreg, Snark, Protective!Ian, Angst, Family Interactions,

Over the next week, Ian spent all of his time with Charlie, much to his annoyance at times. Charlie loves Ian but when he becomes PapaBear, Charlie would rather have some time alone.

Shortly after the incident with Charlie, Don’s team caught a case. When they found the people who were responsible, they came across the ingredients for a homemade flash bomb. Ian wasn’t happy, nor was Charlie or Don. Don made sure that Ian was never left alone with the people who were responsible for the crime and for blinding Charlie.

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Posted in And the Sniper Makes Three, Ian/Charlie, mpreg, Naked Nano, Numb3rs | 6 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 16

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell (Eventually)

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Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 15

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell (Eventually)

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 8 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 14

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell (Eventually)

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 8 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 13

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 10 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 12

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 6 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 11

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 4 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 10

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 13 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 9

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 6 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 8

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 7 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 7

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 9 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 6

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 10 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 5

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 15 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 4

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 10 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 3

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 12 Comments

“Wake Me Up Inside” – Chapter 2

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 16 Comments

Wake Me Up Inside – Chapter 1

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships: John Sheppard/Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex (eventually), Markham/Stackhouse

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 18 Comments

Project File: Wake Me Up Inside

Title: Wake Me Up Inside

Author: Thothkristen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1

Relationships:  Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay, John Sheppard/Evan Lorne,  Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Markham/Stackhouse, Daniel Jackson/Cameron Mitchell

Genre: ShapeShifter (Mythological Creatures and regular animals), Angst, Alternate Reality

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Posted in Naked Nano, Project Files, SGA/SG1, Shapeshifter, Wake Me Up Inside | 13 Comments

“And the Sniper Makes Three….” – Chapter 13

Warning: Mpreg, Protective!Ian, Language

Rating: PG-13/R

Ian clumsily ran his hand down the nightstand, trying to grab hold of the ringing cell phone. Once he grabbed it, he brought it to his mouth.

“Edgerton.” his voice was a bit gruff and a bit heavy with sleep.

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Hello all,

I realize I haven’t posted in a while. There are two reasons for this:

1. I participated in the SGA/Atlantis Big Bang 2012. My story is posted on AO3. It is called “To Shift In Time”. It is an Evan Lorne/John Sheppard fic. It is a shifter fic with mythological creatures. The link is: http://archiveofourown.org/works/530048


2. I am going to be participating in Naked Nano again. I have posted my intro to my story where I talk about the plot and the pairings. It will be another SGA/SG-1 story but it will be Ronon Dex/Evan Lorne. The post is: http://nakednano.wordpress.com/2012/10/21/project-files-to-see-within/


I have not abandoned my Numb3rs mpreg story. I am hoping to be doing a post for it soon.

Enjoy the stories! (The other stories in the SGA Big Bang are good and the other stories posted to Naked Nano look good too but they won’t be posted until November 1st).

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 12

Warnings: mpreg, schmoopy, PapaBear!Ian, annoyed!Charlie, fooling around in the shower Rating: R/NC-17

After Alan pulled into the driveway, he clears his throat and says, “Ok, we are home.” “Not so fast, Charlie. I know you grew up in this house but your sense of where things are might be off.” Continue reading

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Master Post of “Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist”

Author’s note: It was recently pointed out to me that I do not have a master post of the story that I spent many months writing and figuring out the plot to. As a result, I have copied and pasted it below. The story is still NOT betaed and it hasn’t changed much since Naked Nano. Enjoy!

Also, the relationship between Carson Beckett and Steven Caldwell is based on their relationship from “Hiding in Plain Sight” by Xanthe. Xanthe gave me permission to play with them. Please note that unlike her world, it is NOT a BDSM world. Some of the characters have BDSM relationships. Thank you, Xanthe!


On Monday morning, Mulder arrived at work and he decided to check his e-mail to see how many wackos/crazies have tried to get his attention. Lately, they seem to be coming out of the woodwork with stories about men becoming pregnant or their long lost relative is Big Foot.

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Posted in Aliens Really Do Exist, mpreg, Mulder, Naked Nano, X-files/SGA/SG1, Yes | 2 Comments

“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 11

Warning: mpreg, angst, papabear!ian, crack, humor

Rating: PG-13/R


Ian knocks on the door to Charlie’s hospital room to make sure that he was not interrupting something with Charlie’s father or the doctor’s performing one of their check-ups. He knows that Charlie will sleep a lot better once he is able to go home.

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 10

Warning: mpreg, hurt!charlie, overprotective!ian, angst, h/c, humor

Rating: PG-13/R



“Hello, Dr. Magnus. It is Ian Edgerton.”

“Hello, Ian. How are you and Charlie doing?”

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 9

Warning: Mpreg, Angst, Injury to Charlie, coddling and cuddling

Rating: PG-13/R


A few days later, Ian was called by his bosses for an assignment. Ian had to track an escaped convict in the middle of the dessert in Nevada. Ian tried to warn Charlie before he left that he would not be able to call each night. Charlie is not happy about this but he understands that it comes with the territory of Ian’s job. Charlie does promise Ian that if there are any issues or problems that arise that Charlie would call Ian before going into Numbersville territory.

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 8

Warning: mpreg, angst, language Rating: PG-13/R

—————————————————————————————- “Eppes.”

Don barked into his cell phone. “Hi Don. How are you?” a calm voice said over the line.

“Charlie. How are you? Is everything alright?” Don said in calm and lightened tone.

“Yes, everything is as good as it can be. I wanted to let you know that Ian and I will be flying in this afternoon and we would like your team plus Larry and Dad to meet us at the house. We have some news that we would to tell everyone at once.”

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“And the Sniper Makes Three…” – Chapter 7

Warning: mpreg, appearance by Helen Magnus, hurt/comfort, angst, spouting bad science

Rating: PG-13/R


The next morning, Charlie and Ian leave their hotel to drive to Seattle General Hospital. Neither one of them ate much  at breakfast because they were too nervous about why Charlie is pregnant and worried about their baby.

When they arrive at the hospital, they are immediately taken to one of the rooms on the maternity ward, which feels a bit wrong to both Charlie and Ian but know that Helen will need those instruments for the appointment.

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“Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist” – Evil Epilogue

Warning: More or less same as usual (I’m purposefully being vague but if what I have warned about so far hasn’t bothered you, you should be fine this chapter. I want to keep somethings a surprise).

Rating: PG-13/R

Author’s note: Thank you to EVERYONE who read my fanfic and have been cheerleading me on. I greatly appreciate it. Once it has been betaed, I will put the entire thing up on A03 under my pen name (thothkristen). I hope you enjoy the ending and I totally blame the Mulder!plot bunny for this ending. 


Over the past three years, Mulder and Skinner have gotten into a rhythm between working and taking care of their daughter, Samantha or Sam for short. Before Sam was 6 months old, she had her two daddies wrapped around her tiny finger, even though she did not fully realize it. Whenever possible, Mulder and Skinner tried to take vacations together so they can go visit various places as a family. Luckily, Jack was more than willing to accommodate whenever possible. On one of these vacations, Mulder and Skinner decided to talk about growing their family through adoption.

“Walter, what do you think about adopting?”

Skinner looks over at Mulder with a raised eyebrow, “I would be more than willing to at least raise one more child. What brought this on?”

“Well, I think we have been doing a very good job with Sam and I think a younger brother would do her good.”

“So the younger brother can pull the pranks but Sam gets in trouble?” Walter said with a smirk.

“Only if the younger brother is careful enough to hide his tracks.”

“Fair enough. How about when we get home that we look into adoption and see what hoops we need go through, which maybe more than usual since I’m in the military and we are in a gay relationship.”

“I realize that we theoretically have two strikes against us but I figured it couldn’t hurt to at least look into the possibility.”

“No, it could not.”

They continue the possibility of adopting another child, especially a boy. Unknown to them, another set of ears heard their conversation.

A couple of months later, they realize that the adoption agencies keep putting up stone walls against them, no matter what they tell them. Mulder tries to not let the news destroy his spirit too much. He just focuses on his work and Samantha but it still hurts Walter to see Fox in this state.

About a week later, Walter is sleeping and starting dreaming about what it would be like to be pregnant with their second child through the help of Loki. Skinner partially likes this idea because he feels like he wasn’t really a part of the original pregnancy and when he was in Mulder’s body briefly on Atlantis, he liked feeling the fetus moving around in his body. He felt like he had a special attachment to the baby as it was growing inside of him. Walter knew of the various issues that the baby did cause Fox and he didn’t think he would want to deal with those issues. Plus with being older, Walter might have even more issues.

His sleeping consciousness decides to take a detour to show Walter what it would be like with Mulder taking care of him while he is in his last months or so of pregnancy and what it would be like for Mulder to hold him from behind in bed while Mulder listlessly moves his hand up and down his tummy. With these memories, Walter’s desire to become pregnant increase and he wakes up with a start.

After Walter’s initial shock of waking up, Walter rubs his forehead because he tries to remember what made him wake-up. Slowly, the images of his dream starts to come to him. As they do, he lowers his hand to his stomach region as he imagines what it would be like to be pregnant. When his hand does reach the stomach region, the tummy isn’t as flat as it used to be. In fact, it looks like a small beach ball has been inflated inside his abdomen region. Walter brings his other hand around his abdomen and starts to scream. The screaming wakes-up Mulder.

“What ‘s ‘t, Walter?” Mulder says a bit dreamily.

“Fox, am I pregnant?” Walter says cautiously.

“Not the last time I checked, which was earlier tonight. So either you are the Virgin Mary or your mind is playing tricks on you.” Mulder says as he stares at Walter. Unfortunately, as he stares at Walter, he does notice a bulge on Walter’s stomach area. “Then again, I could be wrong.”

Mulder reaches over and starts to rub against Walter’s stomach region and wonders in amazement at how fast the pregnancy seems to have gotten in the few hours he last looked over the body.

“Do you think Loki is nearby?”

“Maybe. We can try in the morning.”

“Ok.” Mulder says as he wraps himself around Skinner’s backside and goes back to sleep. Skinner is unable to go back to sleep. As he starts to sleep, Skinner notices movement in his stomach region and starts screaming again.

When Skinner wakes-up, he looks down at his tummy but does not see any big bumps, except for a small bulge. Skinner keeps meaning to do more exercise because he is clearly getting a beer gut. Skinner looks over and gives Mulder a small kiss before going back to sleep.

The next morning, Skinner wakes-up and dashes right to the toilet to vomit. Mulder saunters into the bathroom and gives Skinner a glass of water when he is done.

“Can you please humor me and have Janet take a look at you? I do not like the fact of how nauseous you have been lately.”

“Fine. I will stop by the infirmary to have Janet run her tests and do a full physical as well.”

“Thank you, Walter.” Mulder says and leans over to kiss Walter’s forehead.

The next day, Walter and Fox are called to Janet’s office.

“Gentlemen, please sit down.”

“What is it? Did Walter’s tests show something unusual?”

“Normally, yes. Since one of you were involved, then no.”

“Janet, please just tell us what is wrong with Walter.” Mulder pleaded with Janet.

“Well, it seems like you two will be fathers again.”

“Walter is pregnant? Same way as I was?” Fox asked curiously.

“It appears to be. I would like to do some more tests, including a sonogram so I can see the extent that Walter has. Do you know if Loki is nearby?”

“Unfortunately, we do not. We have not seen him for about a year. I know the Asguard Council have been keeping him busy. I guess we will have to place a call to him now.”

“Well, if you hear from him, can you please tell him that I would like to talk to him again? I have some questions for him.”

“Will do. Thank you for help, Janet.” Walter responded.

Walter, Fox and Janet talked a bit more before Fox and Walter left Janet’s office. Fox and Walter decide not to tell any of their friends until after Walter is done with the first trimester, to be on the safe side.

After work, Fox and Walter talk about their future plans, especially now with their new bundle of joy and hope that they have a son but would still be happy with another daughter. Fox and Walter can not stop smiling as they keep talking to each other about the future.


If it was not obvious, Skinner had a dream within a dream during the section. Yes, I am evil. 


Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoyed the ending for now, at least. I might write a sequel to it, especially playing with the family life dynamic but for now, I have two other stories that are calling to me. 

Posted in Aliens Really Do Exist, mpreg, Mulder, Naked Nano, X-files/SGA/SG1, Yes | 1 Comment


  Hello Readers,

      I just wanted to let people know that I have signed-up for the Atlantis Big Bang (it is the SGA Big Bang). As a result, my fun writing time will be split between writing the Numb3rs fic (and possible other stories) and the SGA Big Bang. Unfortunately, one of the rules of the Big Bang is that I’m not allowed to post it until it is revealed in October. Therefore, all of my writing for it will be offline until the big reveal. I will let you know that I’m playing with the idea of mythology and SGA. (I have a passion for mythology so I need to figure out which elements I can use to create a story for SGA). 


       I just wanted to let you know because my posting to this site might become erratic…again. Please feel free to submit your e-mail address in the box on the right hand side so you will be e-mailed when I update the site. Or just visit once a month for any updates? 

       Once I do finish the stories and they have been betaed, I do plan on posting the full version on A03, where I have an account under thothkristen. (It will just mean that you have to wait longer for the finished, polished product).

        Thank you for reading my fics. I do greatly appreciate it!

                      – Thothkristen 

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“And the Sniper Makes Three….” – Chapter 6

Warning: mpreg, angst, language, silliness, slash, stealing Helen Magnus from “Sanctuary”

Rating: PG-13/R


Over the next few days, Charlie and Ian took the time to reacquaint themselves with each other. They spent time talking about what has been going on in their lives and how the whole family thing would work out.

When Wednesday rolled around, they prepared to leave to go and visit Helen Magnus for Charlie’s appointment on Thursday in Seattle. Due to the location of Magnus’ headquarters, it was easier on Charlie if Helen went to Charlie for the examination. She was more than willing to tend to her best friends and make it easy on them.

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“Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist” – Part 46

Warning: Mpreg, Language, sappiness, hormonal!mulder, Protective!Skinner, angst

Rating: PG-13/R


During the month following the wedding, Mulder was able to keep doing his work at SGC, even though it meant that he was restricted to the desk and the SGC. Mulder kept longing to visit the other worlds but he knew that he could not put his cub in danger. In addition, Skinner decided that a career change was in order, especially since he could not properly ask the FBI for paternity leave when they did not know he was married, much less have a spouse who was expecting. Luckily, Jack O’Neill took pity on him and allowed Walter to take up one of the vacant positions of the logistics at the SGC. Walter was not earning as much as he did at the FBI but he liked the fact that he didn’t have to hide who he was or who he was married to. Also, Jack already promised him a month of paternity leave when Mulder finally did have the baby, which further excited Walter.

With only about a month to go, Walter and Fox were able to buy a house that is nearby SGC and Colorado Springs. They were able to set-up the nursery with a couple of different animals painted on the wall, courtesy of Fox, and the crib set-up, courtesy of Walter. Walter surprised Fox by buying him a rocking chair that they placed by the window in the nursery so the person could rock the cub and have a nice view of the mountains.

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“Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist” – Chapter 45

Warning: mpreg, two men getting married, smoochiness (might melt your teeth), snarkiness, hormonal!Mulder

Rating: PG-13/R


Fox and Walter were slowly dancing with each other in the back room at O’Malley’s. Since there were only about 15 of them, they were able to use the main back room at O’Malley’s as their reception site.

As they slowly danced, Fox thought back over the day. Fox tried to get closer to Walter, even though his tummy kept getting in the way.

I am finally a married man. Who would have thought that someone would want to tie themselves to me, especially someone like Walter?’

Earlier in the day…..

When Fox Mulder woke up in the morning, he stretched out his arm, in hopes of finding his soon to be husband to find him missing already. Fox did come across a note that was left by Walter.

“Need to take care of somethings. Will meet you later at the park. I love you. -W”

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Posted in Aliens Really Do Exist, mpreg, Mulder, Naked Nano, X-files/SGA/SG1, Yes | Leave a comment

“And the Sniper Makes Three” – Chapter 5

Warning: mpreg, angst, language, Schmoopiness, fainting

Rating: PG-13/R


Once Charlie and Ian are in the cabin, Charlie keeps trying to start the conversation but he ends up stuttering or fidgeting with something.

“You might want to sit. I have some big news.”

“I’m guessing it has to do wtih your abdominal area?” Ian asks somewhat hesitantly. Ian sits down on the couch and Charlie sits near him but he puts some space between the two of them so Ian can not so easily strangle him.

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“And the Sniper Makes Three” – Chapter 4

Warning: Mpreg, Angst, Romantic(?), language

Rating: PG-13/R


By the time that Ian left the airplane to go seeking out Blair, Ian’s body was vibrating with emotions and nerves. Ian had talked to Blair a couple of times over the week, mostly to see how Charlie was handling things and to get to know Blair a bit better. Ian did not like the fact that he did not know anything about such a good friend of Charlie’s. The more that Ian talked with Blair, Ian could understand why Charlie was good friends with him. Ian still did not like the fact that he was blind sided so much by this fact.

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“Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist” – Part 44

Warning: Mpreg, Language, Silliness, Angst, Scully-science

Rating: PG-13/R


Two days after Fox and Walter returned from their trip to Atlantis, Walter was given the go-ahead to inform Scully about the Stargate Program. They needed to leave some of the details out but they could at least invite Scully to the wedding and Fox could show her his current condition.

Mulder picks up the nearest office phone and calls Scully.

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“And The Sniper Makes Three” – Chapter 3

Warning: mpreg, angst, hurt/comfort, language, crossover with “The Sentinel” (I’m primarily using Blair Sandburg as the friend that is helping Charlie hide from his life)

Rating: PG-13/R

Author’s note: If you want to be contacted when I update my wordpress account, please feel free add your e-mail address in the box on the right hand side of the website. It will send you a message with a link for when I update my blog.


During Ian’s current assignment, he noticed that he was alot more distracted because his thoughts kept going back to his missing lover and why he wanted to be by himself. As far as Ian knew, their relationship was going well and they were supposed to celebrate their second anniversary together. Not a whole lot of people realize it, but Ian was a closeted romantic underneath his stern exterior.

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“And The Sniper Makes Three” – Chapter 2

Warning: mpreg, angsty, hurt/comfort, language, slash

Rating: PG-13/R


  Charlie lays down on the comfy couch and pulls up the photo album that he brought with him. Charlie runs his hand over the picture of Ian and himself, where Ian’s arms are wrapped around Charlie and Ian has a smile that lights up the sky. ‘If life could only be this simple all the time…’

   As Charlie keeps going through the pictures, Charlie thinks back to when their relationship began.

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“And Sniper Makes Three” – Chapter 1

Author’s Note: Due to a certain friend, a plot bunny was thrown at me and it refuses to leave me until I at least start this story. I’m hoping once I start this story (and maybe finish it because it’s not nearly as long as my Naked Nano one) then I can get back to “Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist”. This plot bunny is a Numb3rs one and it will ship Charlie/Ian (If you do not like them, then please feel free to only come back read my other story, which I’m hoping to update this weekend but we shall see). Also, this story will be written in the same manner as the Naked Nano, which means that it will be “Raw” and staright writing. I will have it betaed, etc. before I post it to my A03 account but it will be posted there…eventually….Without further ado….THANK YOU TO ELF for your help!


Warning: hurt/comfort, language, mpreg (eventually)

Rating: PG-13/R


Ian was pissed as he stalked into the FBI. When he left his lover two months ago, he was where he was supposed to be. When he talked to him a two weeks ago, all was well. Ian comes back after finishing his assignment and he can’t find Charlie. He won’t answer his phone. He is not at the college or the house. In fact noone has seen him. Not even Larry or Alan. He hopes that Don will be able to help him since he knows that Don likes to keep tabs on Charlie.

When Ian reached Don’s floor, Ian went immediately to Don’s office and knocked on his door.

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“Yes, Mulder, Aliens Really Do Exist” – Part 43

Warnings: Mpreg, Humor, Angst, Comfort, Hormonal!Mulder

Rating: PG-13/R


Within a week, the Daedalus arrived to their destination of Earth. The Daedalus was able to unload all of it’s passengers and items in a timely manner.

Shortly after arriving on Earth, Mulder was subjected to a very thorough medical examine. Towards the end of it, Jack O’Neill arrives so he can see for himself.

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Wake Me Up Inside – first 7 chapters


Please find below the first 7 or so chapters of “Wake Me Up Inside”. Apparently, the first few chapters of “Wake Me Up Inside” didn’t transfer over and I can’t find them.

Non-betaed. Enjoy!



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“Jasper and J.B. Together Again” – Kingsman/James Bond

Hello, this past April, I participated in another Rough Trade challenge. It was about second chances. The story is about Sterling and Eggsy are brothers but Sterling gets in trouble with the law one too many times in his teenage years. During one of the arrests, their mother disowns Sterling and Eggsy doesn’t hear from him for a while. In the mean time, their mother marries Dean, who emotionally blackmails Eggsy to help him with his criminal ring, until things happen. Eventually, Eggsy is recruited into the Kingsman as a handler and when they are working on a case, Eggsy hears from his brother again but this time, his brother goes by the name of Q.

(Yes, this story is a Kingsman/Bond crossover fic)

Main pairings: Eggsy Unwin/Harry Hart, Q/James Bond (maybe Alec too)

Warnings: Adult emotionally blackmailing a child, canon level of violence and general blackmail, bad technology/hacking speak/skillz, humor, death of OC characters (mostly for plot and both movies do have a certain number of body counts), messed up canon timeline for both bond and kingsman movies

Rating: Eventually NC-17 but for the most part, it will probably be PG-13/R

The lovely featured image was done by Chestnut Nola, who is a HUGE fan of Bond/Kingsman. I LOVE this picture!

Below is the chapters that I posted to Rough Trade and a little bit that I never posted. It is WIP and I do not know when it will be finished (my mused has been extremely finicky.)


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